Board game Bulgarshtina

78,10 лв.

Cards Against Bulgarian is a party game for cultured pigs.

At the beginning of the game, each player draws 10 green cards. The person who has had the most unexcused absences from school starts the game by drawing a red card and reading it aloud. The other players choose the most appropriate card from their hand and place it, face down, in front of the leader of the circle. The leader shuffles all the cards without looking at them.

Then he solemnly reads the question in the various combinations with the given answers. For a stronger effect, the question should be read together with each green card, and necessarily with the pathos of a second-grader reciting “I am a Bulgarian.” After reading all the combinations, the leader chooses the card he likes the most as the winner. The winner receives the honorary title Borimechko Borimechkov and becomes the leader of the next round. At the beginning of each round, the players draw a new green card. The game is won by the first to collect 10 points, or when everyone is fed up with visiting relatives with a different dialect.

In the box you will also find additional rules to diversify the game, just as mint is diversified in the summer – with ouzo.

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