Modernist Architectural Matryoshka
Author: Zupagrafika
ISBN: 9788394750312
Publisher: Zupagrafika
Binding: Cardboard Pack
Pack size: 25 x 25 cm
Content: 4 Sheets | 10 Press-Out Pieces
Language: English
‘Must Have’ Award by Łodz Design Fest
# Soviet modernism # Matryoshka
After World War II, European cities had an urgent need to provide their populations with new homes in the quickest, most efficient and affordable way possible. Soon, extensive estates were erected and started shaping the post-war continent’s urban landscape.
Inspired by the concrete modernist estates in the former Eastern Bloc, Blokoshka® by Zupagrafika offers a playful insight into the ‘sleeping districts’ of Moscow, Plattenbau constructions of East Berlin, Warsaw’s large-scale housing estates, and the panelák blocks in Prague.
Includes 4 pre-cut and pre-folded nesting blocks to be opened in half and placed inside one another, in the same way as a Russian matryoshka. The kit is printed on recycled cardboard and can be easily assembled without glue or scissors. Includes a note on Eastern Europe housing architecture.
Author: Zupagrafika (David Navarro & Martyna Sobecka) © 2016. All rights reserved